
Version Control Stats

18 Brands, 41 Tiers

Average cloud-based monthly price per nº of users

Brands that offer Self-hosted solutions

Brands that offer Issue tracking

Brands that offer Kanban boards

Brands that offer Wiki documentation

Brands that offer Package Registry

Brand's Nº Included Repos

Brand's base disk GB included

Brands with Commercial Support

CI/CD Stats

25 Brands, 61 Tiers

Average cloud-based monthly price per nº of users

Brands that offer Self-hosted solutions

Brands that offer CD solutions

Git platforms by Brands

Cloud Build OSs by Brands

Self-hosted Build OSs by Brands

Brands that offer Caching in the pipeline

Brands that offer Scheduled Pipelines

Brands that offer Statistics and Metrics

Brands with Commercial Support

Chats Stats

18 Brands, 46 Tiers

Average cloud-based monthly price per nº of users

Brand's maximum users per call

Brand's maximum chat history

Brands that have Integrations

Brand's maximum call duration minutes

Brand's maximum free temporary guests

Brand's maximum chat files space

Brands with Self-hosted solutions

Brands with Commercial Support